Movies: Blimey!
A quick note regarding my movie posts: At $10 a pop I don't make it to the theater as often as I used to, which is why the films that I chose to discuss may seem random and outdated. So many films, so little time. I am eternally catching up with rentals and borrowed dvds from friends and family. My posts will not consists of full-fledged reviews by any means--I prefer to share my overall reactions, rantings, and recommendations. You know, the nitty-gritty that most people would want to know before they invest two hours of their life in watching what could potentially be a painful disappointment. Having said that, I love to read in-depth movies reviews in my spare time, and for that Pajiba kicks ass.

The Limey (1999)
This is an intriguing story of revenge shot with amazing style and flawless dialogue. No one has better slang than the Brits. I think my new favorite expression is going to be Oy! I loved how the flashbacks to a younger Wilson (Terence Stamp) were comprised of actual footage from one of Stamp's earlier films. One thing that bugged me--and this is purely superficial--Peter Fonda's character is icky. Seriously, they took the creepy-old-rich-guy-who-dates-young-girls thing way too far.

The Limey (1999)
This is an intriguing story of revenge shot with amazing style and flawless dialogue. No one has better slang than the Brits. I think my new favorite expression is going to be Oy! I loved how the flashbacks to a younger Wilson (Terence Stamp) were comprised of actual footage from one of Stamp's earlier films. One thing that bugged me--and this is purely superficial--Peter Fonda's character is icky. Seriously, they took the creepy-old-rich-guy-who-dates-young-girls thing way too far.
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