blog borderline femme - women on the verge: Shopping: Girls, we will never have enough bags

borderline femme - women on the verge

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Shopping: Girls, we will never have enough bags

I was feeling less than ok yesterday so I decided to stay home and rest all day. It was nice to be able to sleep while the rest of the population was working.
Now I am back at work and trying to make a living. I started my morning with usual a cup o' Mocha and told myself that I won't be having it for another 4 days. I have to keep a healthy routine. Then I decided to checked out my email inbox and to my surprise, I found a bag for my beach day! Loop NYC is having a little sale. I found out that Andy Warhol bag is on sale..well now I have to decide between swearing off my biweekly mocha ritual or having Warhol bag for my upcoming beach day.

Oh la is so nice to be a girl :D

Oh I would like to remind you that Capote DVD is out today! Run to the store and buy it today!!!


  • At 12:38 PM, Blogger Daria said…

    Dude. How many bags does one girl need? Shoes I can understand...but bags!?? Stop the madness!


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