blog borderline femme - women on the verge: Movies: Aslan vs Hobbits = No Contest

borderline femme - women on the verge

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Movies: Aslan vs Hobbits = No Contest

Overdue Review: The Chronicles of Narnia

I saw Narnia a few weeks ago, so here are my belated impressions. I have to say, at the risk of inciting violence, this movie kicks The Lord of the Rings' ASS. Narnia was such a refreshing alternative to the over-dramatic self-indulgent too-aware-of-itself-as-epic picture that was Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy. The best thing about it was the lack of annoying hobbits who call each other Mary (WTF?).

Granted, with LOTR I was at least able to lose myself imagining a Viggo Mortensen Orlando Bloom sandwich. But what Narnia lacks in hotties it makes up for in overall entertainment value. The storyline, characters, pacing, music-- the film itself was, IMO, executed more successfully. I'm not saying that you have to like one or the other; most people probably loved both. In my case, I was dreading disappointment with Narnia because LOTR drove me nuts. So it was a lovely surprise to find out that there is a right way to do this type of movie.


  • At 12:15 AM, Blogger RC said…

    i'd take Hobbits over Aslan personally...

    but is it really a competition, I think they're both a whole lot of fun...

    Props to Narnia for Brevity, but production value and depth of story is certainly richer in Lord of the Rings.

    Just my opinion.

    --RC of


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