blog borderline femme - women on the verge: Whatever: What I am upset about..

borderline femme - women on the verge

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Whatever: What I am upset about..

As we all know, I just got back from Thailand. It was a great 3 weeks of my life. I am looking forward to go back again hopefully next year. Three of my good friends were there with me and I hope they had a blast.

There is one thing that totally upset me though. Some of Taxi and Tuk Tuk drivers there are a%#holes. Only a couple of them try to jack up the fare eventhough they are taxi meters...One of the Tuk Tuk drivers was trying to scam my friends when I am not with them. I wish I wrote down their names and license numbers so I can report them to the authorities( and I hope the authorities are going to do something about this). If Thailand is promoting tourism but these small group of crooked people are trying to rip off tourists, who would want to recommend their friends to visit Thailand? Its embarassing and upsetting to me and all my friends who live there.

OK sorry for the anger. Anyways, other than those couple of crooked, I ran into the nicest taxi and tuk tuk drivers ever. They are honest and hard working and I feel for them. I think they save my trip because I would not dare drive on any streets of Bangkok. It's a jungle out there.


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