blog borderline femme - women on the verge: Road Trip Day 1: Cactus and State Prison

borderline femme - women on the verge

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Road Trip Day 1: Cactus and State Prison

Day 1 around noon: I'm about three quarters of the way through Arizona, and the most interesting thing I've seen so far is a pair of road signs that gave me a chuckle. The first sign read: State Prison Ahead -- and directly below that another sign read: DO NOT PICK UP HITCHHIKERS.

Also, the cactus are very cool and come in weird shapes.

Day 1 continued: The only place we stopped in New Mexico was at a Denny's to stretch, and two hookers were wandering around asking for change. Oh the beauty of the Southwest.

Right now it's around 11:00pm and we've finally reached El Paso, Texas-- which means two things: 1) I finally get to sleep! and 2) I've traveled through 4 states in 1 day, which is a record for me unless you count flying, which I DON'T.

Tomorrow I will try to take pictures...


  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger Princess Me said…

    I wish I was there with you guys. It sounds so cool.

  • At 11:55 PM, Blogger Tasp said…

    I miss you already my beyotch! Drive safe and please dont pick up the hitchhiker eventhought they said they are from another galaxy. ( do you get a joke or what?)

    Tee hee hee :D <3


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