blog borderline femme - women on the verge: Weekend Recap: Introduce Mister Tall

borderline femme - women on the verge

Monday, September 11, 2006

Weekend Recap: Introduce Mister Tall

I finally had a chance to watch Something New. My buddy Daria rates this movie a 5 stars on her Netflix profile. I was skeptical about the film at first but I ended up having a little smile on my face after the movie. Feel good romantic movie with a happy ending...that is what the girl needs on a Friday night.

I headed out to my buddy's bd party later that night. I just had a couple of sweet cocktails while getting hit in the head several times by his druken friend. One of his friends just started talking to me and finally gave me a hint that he would like me to call him. I will call him mister tall. At the end we swapped phone numbers but I am actually hesitate to call mister tall since I know that he is dating someone. He told me he doesn't have a girlfriend so I asked my buddy to check on the facts. I need the truth before I make the next move. I just got the text from mister tall last night saying he had fun on Friday and he want to hear from me be continued...


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